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Kermie Case Study.png


A responsive website targeted towards first-time movers. Kermie is a great app for tracking progress, and tasks and learning the financial literacy needed to prepare for a move.

With Kermie, users are better able to understand what goes into a move and how to best prepare for one. It is very valuable to those who have trouble prioritizing and planning.

3 Phones Kermie Hero Shot.png

Project Timeline

Project Background
Wireframes & Design

Topic Selection

Competitor Research and Analysis

Survey and Remote Interviews

Lo Fi Wireframes

Site Structure and Task Flows

Mid Fi Wireframes

Hi Fi Wireframes


User Testing

My Role


January 26- May 4

Project Type

Responsive Website, Academic Project

My Role

User Research, Research Analysis, Brand Creation, Usability Testing, Wireframing, and Prototyping


Solo project completed with peer reviews and mentorship from a User Experience Strategist


Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Mural, Whimsical, Optimal Workshop, and Fresco

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