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Pickleball is my favorite sport and a big "dill" in my community. I love playing on the courts and against other people. This case study is real, and everything was created by me or with the help of AI. The reason I wanted to create a pickleball tournament was to draw more people out to the courts and get players excited. Having played in and alongside others in tournaments, I know exactly how frustrating it is to sign up in person or read through confusing tournament websites. That is why I wanted to create my own website. I had a quick turnaround of three days to get the website live, starting from scratch.

Also yes, I am playing in my own tournament while also, directing it.

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Project Timeline

Information Planning

Competitor Research and Analysis

Participant Research

Tournament Planning


User Testing

Website Launch

Marketing Research

Brand Creation & Event Planning

My Role


Website: Feb. 12-14

All Tournament Materials: Ongoing

Project Type

Responsive Website(Mainly Mobile)

Real Project

My Role

User Research, Research Analysis, Usability Testing, Wireframing, Brand Creation, Graphic Design, and Tournament Director


Solo project with some guidance from senior tennis players


Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, Google Gemini, Google Forms, Mural, Whimsical, and Miro

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